Desiree Sowards
I have seen “the mystery” played out, time and time again. A family quickly prepares a bed for an unknown child. Some have months to prepare, others just hours. The child enters the scene, and if they are old enough to understand, they are scared, confused, angry or numb. The family strives and prays and embraces that child, and some of the fear begins to melt away. Something new takes its place. Security replaces fear. Love replaces anger. Hope brings the dead parts of their heart to life. A beautiful day comes- papers are signed. The child takes on the name of that family, and with it, they are given all the privileges and rights that come with carrying that name. Their bond is not blood in their veins, but a covenant made, sealed with some blood, sweat and tears, I am sure.
Adoption. A beautiful mystery older than creation. “What?” you say. “Nothing is older than creation!” But Ephesians 1 seems to tell us otherwise.
“For He chose us... before the creation of the world, to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons, through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will.”
Yes, even before the foundation of the world, God was creating His adoption plan for us! Any family that gets to experience adoption firsthand, gets to take part in the very foundation of the Gospel story. For the rest of us, who watch the beautiful mystery unfold from afar, let it remind us of our own adoption as sons and daughters in Christ. Just like a child doesn’t yet have the chance to “earn” the name of his new family, we do not earn ours. Christ chose us, in love, to be His. And with it, we can receive the good gifts of a good Father. There is always room in His family. He’s already signed the papers. The next step is to simply allow yourself to be wrapped up in the mystery.
“When you read this, you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ, which has been revealed to us by the Spirit...This mystery is that we are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.” Ephesians 3:5-6
For those local families that have front row seats to this mystery: Hands of Hope is a foster care ministry based out of Simpson Creek Baptist Church in Bridgeport. Their mission is to provide hope for these precious children and their foster families by meeting basic needs, and providing various forms of support and encouragement for their journey. The foster care crisis requires that the entire community take action to surround and support these families as they provide tangible HOPE for the next generation. Please reach out to Simpson Creek Baptist Church to learn more about this program.